Kenya to drive contactless payments across Matatu bus service
What's the story?
In the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, the public transport system is dominated by private operators following the city council’s decision to opt for a deregulated market in line with national policy.
Transport payment in Nairobi and other main cities in Kenya was mostly driven by cash transactions. Tracom Services, a payment solutions technology company based in Nairobi needed to introduce a cashless payment platform and leverage the knowledge of an expert in the field who could support this first-to-market initiative. Tracom invited O-CITY to work together on the creation of an open-
loop, account-based platform which met the needs of all stakeholders involved in the project. The transformation to cashless was one of the main drivers and a quick and flexible deployment of a reliable and proven system were necessary for success.
Key results
- M-PESA e-wallet integration
- 10000 Matutu buses connected
- 2000 daily passengers
- Mobile application & mobile payments
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